Upload files by clicking or drag-and-drop.
Basic Usage
Customize upload button type and text using slot
. Set limit
and on-exceed
to limit the maximum number of uploads allowed and specify method when the limit is exceeded. Plus, you can abort removing a file in the before-remove
jpg/png files with a size less than 500KB.
- press delete to remove
- press delete to remove
Cover Previous File
Set limit
and on-exceed
to automatically replace the previous file when select a new file.
User Avatar
Use before-upload
hook to limit the upload file format and size.
Photo Wall
Use list-type
to change the fileList style.
press delete to remove
press delete to remove
press delete to remove
press delete to remove
press delete to remove
press delete to remove
press delete to remove
press delete to remove
Custom Thumbnail
Use scoped-slot
to change default thumbnail template.
File List with Thumbnail
jpg/png files with a size less than 500kb
press delete to remove
press delete to remove
File List Control
Use on-change
hook function to control upload file list.
jpg/png files with a size less than 500kb
- press delete to remove
- press delete to remove
Drag to Upload
You can drag your file to a certain area to upload it.
Manual Upload
Name | Description | Type | Default |
action required | request URL. | string | # |
headers | request headers. | object | — |
method | set upload request method. | string | post |
multiple | whether uploading multiple files is permitted. | boolean | false |
data | additions options of request. support Awaitable data and Function since v2.3.13. | object / Function | {} |
name | key name for uploaded file. | string | file |
with-credentials | whether cookies are sent. | boolean | false |
show-file-list | whether to show the uploaded file list. | boolean | true |
drag | whether to activate drag and drop mode. | boolean | false |
accept | accepted file types, will not work when thumbnail-mode === true . | string | '' |
crossorigin | native attribute crossorigin. | enum | — |
on-preview | hook function when clicking the uploaded files. | Function | — |
on-remove | hook function when files are removed. | Function | — |
on-success | hook function when uploaded successfully. | Function | — |
on-error | hook function when some errors occurs. | Function | — |
on-progress | hook function when some progress occurs. | Function | — |
on-change | hook function when select file or upload file success or upload file fail. | Function | — |
on-exceed | hook function when limit is exceeded. | Function | — |
before-upload | hook function before uploading with the file to be uploaded as its parameter. If false is returned or a Promise is returned and then is rejected, uploading will be aborted. | Function | — |
before-remove | hook function before removing a file with the file and file list as its parameters. If false is returned or a Promise is returned and then is rejected, removing will be aborted. | Function | — |
file-list / v-model:file-list | default uploaded files. | object | [] |
list-type | type of file list. | enum | text |
auto-upload | whether to auto upload file. | boolean | true |
http-request | override default xhr behavior, allowing you to implement your own upload-file's request. | Function | ajaxUpload see |
disabled | whether to disable upload. | boolean | false |
limit | maximum number of uploads allowed. | number | — |
Name | Description | Type |
default | customize default content. | - |
trigger | content which triggers file dialog. | - |
tip | content of tips. | - |
file | content of thumbnail template. | object |
Name | Description | Type |
abort | cancel upload request. | Function |
submit | upload the file list manually. | Function |
clearFiles | clear the file list (this method is not supported in the before-upload hook). | Function |
handleStart | select the file manually. | Function |
handleRemove | remove the file manually. file and rawFile has been merged. rawFile will be removed in v2.2.0 . | Function |
Type Declarations
Show declarations
type UploadFiles = UploadFile[]
type UploadUserFile = Omit<UploadFile, 'status' | 'uid'> &
Partial<Pick<UploadFile, 'status' | 'uid'>>
type UploadStatus = 'ready' | 'uploading' | 'success' | 'fail'
type Awaitable<T> = Promise<T> | T
type Mutable<T> = { -readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P] }
interface UploadFile {
name: string
percentage?: number
status: UploadStatus
size?: number
response?: unknown
uid: number
url?: string
raw?: UploadRawFile
interface UploadProgressEvent extends ProgressEvent {
percent: number
interface UploadRawFile extends File {
uid: number
isDirectory?: boolean
interface UploadRequestOptions {
action: string
method: string
data: Record<string, string | Blob | [string | Blob, string]>
filename: string
file: File
headers: Headers | Record<string, string | number | null | undefined>
onError: (evt: UploadAjaxError) => void
onProgress: (evt: UploadProgressEvent) => void
onSuccess: (response: any) => void
withCredentials: boolean