
Upload files by clicking or drag-and-drop.

Basic Usage

Customize upload button type and text using slot. Set limit and on-exceed to limit the maximum number of uploads allowed and specify method when the limit is exceeded. Plus, you can abort removing a file in the before-remove hook.

jpg/png files with a size less than 500KB.

Cover Previous File

Set limit and on-exceed to automatically replace the previous file when select a new file.

limit 1 file, new file will cover the old file

    User Avatar

    Use before-upload hook to limit the upload file format and size.

    Photo Wall

    Use list-type to change the fileList style.

    • press delete to remove
    • press delete to remove
    • press delete to remove
    • press delete to remove
    • press delete to remove
    • press delete to remove
    • press delete to remove
    • press delete to remove

    Custom Thumbnail

    Use scoped-slot to change default thumbnail template.

    File List with Thumbnail

    jpg/png files with a size less than 500kb

    File List Control

    Use on-change hook function to control upload file list.

    jpg/png files with a size less than 500kb

    Drag to Upload

    You can drag your file to a certain area to upload it.

    Drop file here or click to upload
    jpg/png files with a size less than 500kb

      Manual Upload

      jpg/png files with a size less than 500kb



        action requiredrequest URL.string#
        headersrequest headers.object
        methodset upload request method.stringpost
        multiplewhether uploading multiple files is permitted.booleanfalse
        dataadditions options of request. support Awaitable data and Function since v2.3.13.object / Function{}
        namekey name for uploaded file.stringfile
        with-credentialswhether cookies are sent.booleanfalse
        show-file-listwhether to show the uploaded file list.booleantrue
        dragwhether to activate drag and drop mode.booleanfalse
        acceptaccepted file types, will not work when thumbnail-mode === true.string''
        crossoriginnative attribute crossorigin.enum
        on-previewhook function when clicking the uploaded files.Function
        on-removehook function when files are removed.Function
        on-successhook function when uploaded successfully.Function
        on-errorhook function when some errors occurs.Function
        on-progresshook function when some progress occurs.Function
        on-changehook function when select file or upload file success or upload file fail.Function
        on-exceedhook function when limit is exceeded.Function
        before-uploadhook function before uploading with the file to be uploaded as its parameter. If false is returned or a Promise is returned and then is rejected, uploading will be aborted.Function
        before-removehook function before removing a file with the file and file list as its parameters. If false is returned or a Promise is returned and then is rejected, removing will be aborted.Function
        file-list / v-model:file-listdefault uploaded files.object[]
        list-typetype of file list.enumtext
        auto-uploadwhether to auto upload file.booleantrue
        http-requestoverride default xhr behavior, allowing you to implement your own upload-file's request.FunctionajaxUpload see
        disabledwhether to disable upload.booleanfalse
        limitmaximum number of uploads allowed.number


        defaultcustomize default content.-
        triggercontent which triggers file dialog.-
        tipcontent of tips.-
        filecontent of thumbnail template.object


        abortcancel upload request.Function
        submitupload the file list manually.Function
        clearFilesclear the file list (this method is not supported in the before-upload hook).Function
        handleStartselect the file manually.Function
        handleRemoveremove the file manually. file and rawFile has been merged. rawFile will be removed in v2.2.0.Function

        Type Declarations

        Show declarations
        type UploadFiles = UploadFile[]
        type UploadUserFile = Omit<UploadFile, 'status' | 'uid'> &
          Partial<Pick<UploadFile, 'status' | 'uid'>>
        type UploadStatus = 'ready' | 'uploading' | 'success' | 'fail'
        type Awaitable<T> = Promise<T> | T
        type Mutable<T> = { -readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P] }
        interface UploadFile {
          name: string
          percentage?: number
          status: UploadStatus
          size?: number
          response?: unknown
          uid: number
          url?: string
          raw?: UploadRawFile
        interface UploadProgressEvent extends ProgressEvent {
          percent: number
        interface UploadRawFile extends File {
          uid: number
          isDirectory?: boolean
        interface UploadRequestOptions {
          action: string
          method: string
          data: Record<string, string | Blob | [string | Blob, string]>
          filename: string
          file: File
          headers: Headers | Record<string, string | number | null | undefined>
          onError: (evt: UploadAjaxError) => void
          onProgress: (evt: UploadProgressEvent) => void
          onSuccess: (response: any) => void
          withCredentials: boolean


