
If the options have a clear hierarchical structure, Cascader can be used to view and select them.

Basic usage

There are two ways to expand child option items.

Assigning the options attribute to an array of options renders a Cascader. The props.expandTrigger attribute defines how child options are expanded.

Child options expand when clicked (default)

Child options expand when hovered

Disabled option

Disable an option by setting a disabled field in the option object.

In this example, the first item in options array has a disabled: true field, so it is disabled. By default, Cascader checks the disabled field in each option object; if you are using another field name to indicate whether an option is disabled, you can assign it in the props.disabled attribute (see the API table below for details). And of course, field name value, label and children can also be customized in the same way.


Set clearable attribute for el-cascader and a clear icon will appear when selected and hovered

Display only the last level

The input can display only the last level instead of all levels.

The show-all-levels attribute defines if all levels are displayed. If it is false, only the last level is displayed.

Multiple Selection

Add :props="props" in tag and set data props = { multiple: true } to use multiple selection.


  <el-cascader :props="props" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
  const props = { multiple: true }

Don't do:

  <!--  Object literal binging here is invalid syntax for cascader  -->
  <el-cascader :props="{ multiple: true }" />

When using multiple selection, all selected tags will display by default. You can set collapse-tags = true to fold selected tags. You can set max-collapse-tags to show max tags number, default 1. You can check them when mouse hover collapse text by using collapse-tags-tooltip attribute.

Display all tags (default)

Collapse tags

Collapse tags tooltip

Max Collapse Tags

Select any level of options

In single selection, only the leaf nodes can be checked, and in multiple selection, check parent nodes will lead to leaf nodes be checked eventually. When enable this feature, it can make parent and child nodes unlinked and you can select any level of options.

Set props.checkStrictly = true to make checked state of a node not affects its parent nodes and child nodes, and then you can select any level of options.

Select any level of options (Single selection)

Select any level of options (Multiple selection)

Dynamic loading

Dynamic load its child nodes when checked a node.

Set lazy = true to use dynamic loading, and you have to specify how to load the data source by lazyload. There are two parameters of lazyload,the first parameter node is the node currently clicked, and the resolve is a callback that indicate loading is finished which must invoke. To display the status of node more accurately, you can add a leaf field (can be modified by props.leaf) to indicate whether it is a leaf node. Otherwise, it will be inferred by if has any child nodes.


Search and select options with a keyword.

Adding filterable to el-cascader enables filtering. Cascader will match nodes whose label or parent's label (according to show-all-levels) includes input keyword. Of course, you can customize search logic by filter-method which accepts a function, the first parameter is node, the second is keyword, and need return a boolean value indicating whether it hits.

Filterable (Single selection)

Filterable (Multiple selection)

Custom option content

You can customize the content of cascader node.

You can customize the content of cascader node by scoped slot. You'll have access to node and data in the scope, standing for the Node object and node data of the current node respectively.

Cascader panel

CascaderPanel is the core component of Cascader which has various of features such as single selection, multiple selection, dynamic loading and so on.

Just like el-cascader, you can set alternative options by options, and enable other features by props, see the API form below for details.

Cascader API

Cascader Attributes

model-value / v-modelbinding valuestring/number/object
optionsdata of the options, the key of value and label can be customize by CascaderProps.object
propsconfiguration options, see the following CascaderProps table.object
sizesize of inputenum
placeholderplaceholder of inputstring
disabledwhether Cascader is disabledboolean
clearablewhether selected value can be clearedboolean
show-all-levelswhether to display all levels of the selected value in the inputbooleantrue
collapse-tagswhether to collapse tags in multiple selection modeboolean
collapse-tags-tooltipwhether show all selected tags when mouse hover text of collapse-tags. To use this, collapse-tags must be truebooleanfalse
separatoroption label separatorstring' / '
filterablewhether the options can be searchedboolean
filter-methodcustomize search logic, the first parameter is node, the second is keyword, and need return a boolean value indicating whether it hits.Function
debouncedebounce delay when typing filter keyword, in millisecondsnumber300
before-filterhook function before filtering with the value to be filtered as its parameter. If false is returned or a Promise is returned and then is rejected, filtering will be abortedFunction
popper-classcustom class name for Cascader's dropdownstring''
teleportedwhether cascader popup is teleportedbooleantrue
tag-typetag typeenuminfo
tag-effect 2.7.8tag effectenumlight
validate-eventwhether to trigger form validationbooleantrue
max-collapse-tags 2.3.10The max tags number to be shown. To use this, collpase-tags must be truenumber1
empty-values 2.7.0empty values of component, see config-providerarray
value-on-clear 2.7.0clear return value, see config-providerstring / number / boolean / Function
persistent 2.7.8when dropdown is inactive and persistent is false, dropdown will be destroyedbooleantrue
fallback-placements 2.8.1list of possible positions for Tooltip popper.jsarrary
placement 2.8.1position of dropdownenumbottom-start
popper-append-to-body deprecatedwhether to append the popper menu to body. If the positioning of the popper is wrong, you can try to set this prop to falsebooleantrue

Cascader Events

changetriggers when the binding value changesFunction
expand-changetriggers when expand option changesFunction
blurtriggers when Cascader blursFunction
focustriggers when Cascader focusesFunction
clear 2.7.7triggers when the clear icon is clicked in a clearable SelectFunction
visible-changetriggers when the dropdown appears/disappearsFunction
remove-tagtriggers when remove tag in multiple selection modeFunction

Cascader Slots

defaultthe custom content of cascader node, which are current Node object and node data respectively.object
emptycontent when there is no matched options.

Cascader Exposes

getCheckedNodesget an array of currently selected node,(leafOnly) whether only return the leaf checked nodes, default is falseFunction
cascaderPanelRefcascader panel refobject
togglePopperVisible 2.2.31toggle the visible type of popperFunction
contentRefcascader content refobject
presentText 2.8.4selected content textobject

CascaderPanel API

CascaderPanel Attributes

model-value / v-modelbinding valuestring/number/object
optionsdata of the options, the key of value and label can be customize by CascaderProps.object
propsconfiguration options, see the following CascaderProps table.object

CascaderPanel Events

changetriggers when the binding value changesFunction
expand-changetriggers when expand option changesFunction
closeclose panel event, provided to Cascader to put away the panel judgment.Function

CascaderPanel Slots

defaultthe custom content of cascader node, which are current Node object and node data respectively.object
empty 2.8.3the content of the panel when there is no data.

CascaderPanel Exposes

getCheckedNodesget an array of currently selected node,(leafOnly) whether only return the leaf checked nodes, default is falseFunction
clearCheckedNodesclear checked nodesFunction


expandTriggertrigger mode of expanding optionsenumclick
multiplewhether multiple selection is enabledbooleanfalse
checkStrictlywhether checked state of a node not affects its parent and child nodesbooleanfalse
emitPathwhen checked nodes change, whether to emit an array of node's path, if false, only emit the value of node.booleantrue
lazywhether to dynamic load child nodes, use with lazyload attributebooleanfalse
lazyLoadmethod for loading child nodes data, only works when lazy is trueFunction
valuespecify which key of node object is used as the node's valuestringvalue
labelspecify which key of node object is used as the node's labelstringlabel
childrenspecify which key of node object is used as the node's childrenstringchildren
disabledspecify which key of node object is used as the node's disabledstringdisabled
leafspecify which key of node object is used as the node's leaf fieldstringleaf
hoverThresholdhover threshold of expanding optionsnumber500

Type Declarations

Show declarations
type CascaderNodeValue = string | number
type CascaderNodePathValue = CascaderNodeValue[]
type CascaderValue =
  | CascaderNodeValue
  | CascaderNodePathValue
  | (CascaderNodeValue | CascaderNodePathValue)[]

type Resolve = (data: any) => void

type ExpandTrigger = 'click' | 'hover'

type LazyLoad = (node: Node, resolve: Resolve) => void

type isDisabled = (data: CascaderOption, node: Node) => boolean

type isLeaf = (data: CascaderOption, node: Node) => boolean

interface CascaderOption extends Record<string, unknown> {
  label?: string
  value?: CascaderNodeValue
  children?: CascaderOption[]
  disabled?: boolean
  leaf?: boolean

interface CascaderProps {
  expandTrigger?: ExpandTrigger
  multiple?: boolean
  checkStrictly?: boolean
  emitPath?: boolean
  lazy?: boolean
  lazyLoad?: LazyLoad
  value?: string
  label?: string
  children?: string
  disabled?: string | isDisabled
  leaf?: string | isLeaf
  hoverThreshold?: number

class Node {
  readonly uid: number
  readonly level: number
  readonly value: CascaderNodeValue
  readonly label: string
  readonly pathNodes: Node[]
  readonly pathValues: CascaderNodePathValue
  readonly pathLabels: string[]

  childrenData: ChildrenData
  children: Node[]
  text: string
  loaded: boolean
   * Is it checked
   * @default false
  checked: boolean
   * Used to indicate the intermediate state of unchecked and fully checked child nodes
   * @default false
  indeterminate: boolean
   * Loading Status
   * @default false
  loading: boolean

  // getter
  isDisabled: boolean
  isLeaf: boolean
  valueByOption: CascaderNodeValue | CascaderNodePathValue

  // method
  appendChild(childData: CascaderOption): Node
  calcText(allLevels: boolean, separator: string): string
  broadcast(event: string, ...args: unknown[]): void
  emit(event: string, ...args: unknown[]): void
  onParentCheck(checked: boolean): void
  onChildCheck(): void
  setCheckState(checked: boolean): void
  doCheck(checked: boolean): void

Node as CascaderNode


