
Single selection among multiple options.


label act as value has been deprecated, label is used only as display text, this action will be removed in 3.0.0, consider switching to new API.


New API value has been added in 2.6.0, the examples in the document all use the value. If you are using a version less than 2.6.0, please refer to:

  <el-radio-group v-model="radio1">
    <!-- works when >=2.6.0, recommended ✔️ not work when <2.6.0 ❌ -->
    <el-radio value="Value 1">Option 1</el-radio>
    <!-- works when <2.6.0, deprecated act as value when >=3.0.0 -->
    <el-radio label="Label 2 & Value 2">Option 2</el-radio>

Basic usage

Radio should not have too many options. Otherwise, use the Select component instead.

Creating a radio component is easy, you just need to bind a variable to Radio's v-model. It equals to the value of value of the chosen radio. The type of value is String, Number or Boolean.


disabled attribute is used to disable the radio.

You just need to add the disabled attribute.

Radio button group

Suitable for choosing from some mutually exclusive options.

Combine el-radio-group with el-radio to display a radio group. Bind a variable with v-model of el-radio-group element and set label value in el-radio. It also provides change event with the current value as its parameter.

Button style

Radio with button styles.

You just need to change el-radio element into el-radio-button element. We also provide size attribute.

With borders

The border attribute adds a border to Radios.

Radio API

Radio Attributes

Name Description Type Default
model-value / v-model binding value string / number / boolean
value 2.6.0 the value of Radio string / number / boolean
label the label of Radio. If there's no value, label will act as value string / number / boolean
disabled whether Radio is disabled boolean false
border whether to add a border around Radio boolean false
size size of the Radio enum
name native name attribute string

Radio Events

Name Description Type
change triggers when the bound value changes Function

Radio Slots

Name Description
default customize default content

RadioGroup API

RadioGroup Attributes

Name Description Type Default
model-value / v-model binding value string / number / boolean
size the size of radio buttons or bordered radios string default
disabled whether the nesting radios are disabled boolean false
text-color font color when button is active string #ffffff
fill border and background color when button is active string #409eff
validate-event whether to trigger form validation boolean true
label a11y deprecated same as aria-label in RadioGroup string
aria-label a11y 2.7.2 same as aria-label in RadioGroup string
name native name attribute string
id native id attribute string

RadioGroup Events

Name Description Type
change triggers when the bound value changes Function

RadioGroup Slots

Name Description Subtags
default customize default content Radio / RadioButton

RadioButton API

RadioButton Attributes

Name Description Type Default
value 2.6.0 the value of Radio string / number / boolean
label the label of Radio. If there's no value, label will act as value string / number / boolean
disabled whether Radio is disabled boolean false
name native 'name' attribute string

RadioButton Slots

Name Description
default customize default content


Component Style Docs
