A popup component for guiding users through a product. Use when you want to guide users through a product.
Basic usage
The most basic usage
Non modal
Use :mask="false"
to make Tour non-modal. At the meantime it is recommended to
use with type="primary"
to emphasize the guide itself.
Change the placement of the guide relative to the target, there are 12 placements available. When
is empty the guide will show in the center.
Custom mask style
Custom mask style.
Custom indicator
Custom indicator.
Various parameter passing types of target. The string and Function types are supported since 2.5.2.
Tour API
tour-step component configuration with the same name has higher priority
Tour Attributes
Property | Description | Type | Default |
show-arrow | whether to show the arrow | boolean |
true |
placement | position of the guide card relative to the target element | enum |
bottom |
content-style | custom style for content | CSSProperties |
— |
mask | whether to enable masking, change mask style and fill color by pass custom props | boolean | Object |
true |
type | type, affects the background color and text color | default | primary |
default |
model-value / v-model | open tour | boolean |
— |
current / v-model:current | what is the current step | number |
— |
scroll-into-view-options | support pass custom scrollIntoView options | boolean | ScrollIntoViewOptions |
Object |
z-index | Tour's zIndex | number |
2001 |
show-close | whether to show a close button | boolean |
true |
close-icon | custom close icon, default is Close | string | Component |
— |
close-on-press-escape | whether the Dialog can be closed by pressing ESC | boolean |
true |
target-area-clickable | whether the target element can be clickable, when using mask | boolean |
true |
Tour slots
Name | Description |
default | tourStep component list |
indicators | custom indicator, The scope parameter is { current, total } |
Tour events
Name | Description | Type |
close | callback function on shutdown | Function |
finish | callback function on finished | Function |
change | callback when the step changes | Function |
TourStep Attributes
Property | Description | Type | Default |
target | get the element the guide card points to. Empty makes it show in center of screen. the string and Function types are supported since 2.5.2. the string type is selectors of document.querySelector. | HTMLElement | string | Function
— |
show-arrow | whether to show the arrow | boolean |
true |
title | title | string |
— |
description | description | string |
— |
placement | position of the guide card relative to the target element | enum |
bottom |
content-style | custom style for content | CSSProperties |
— |
mask | whether to enable masking, change mask style and fill color by pass custom props | boolean | Object |
true |
type | type, affects the background color and text color | default | primary |
default |
next-button-props | properties of the Next button | Object |
— |
prev-button-props | properties of the previous button | Object |
— |
scroll-into-view-options | support pass custom scrollIntoView options, the default follows the
scrollIntoViewOptions property of Tour |
boolean | ScrollIntoViewOptions |
— |
show-close | whether to show a close button | boolean |
true |
close-icon | custom close icon, default is Close | string | Component |
— |
TourStep slots
Name | Description |
default | description |
header | header |
TourStep events
Name | Description | Arguments |
close | callback function on shutdown | Function |