
Form consists of input, radio, select, checkbox and so on. With form, you can collect, verify and submit data.


The component has been upgraded with a flex layout to replace the old float layout.

Basic Form

It includes all kinds of input items, such as input, select, radio and checkbox.

In each form component, you need a form-item field to be the container of your input item.

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W3C regulates that

When there is only one single-line text input field in a form, the user agent should accept Enter in that field as a request to submit the form.

To prevent this behavior, you can add @submit.prevent on <el-form>.

Inline Form

When the vertical space is limited and the form is relatively simple, you can put it in one line.

Set the inline attribute to true and the form will be inline.

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Depending on your design, there are several different ways to align your label element.

You can set label-position of el-form-item separately 2.7.7. If the value is empty, the label-position of el-form is used.

The label-position attribute decides how labels align, it can be top or left. When set to top, labels will be placed at the top of the form field.

Form Align
Form Item Align
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Form component allows you to verify your data, helping you find and correct errors.

Just add the rules attribute for Form component, pass validation rules, and set prop attribute for FormItem as a specific key that needs to be validated. See more information at async-validator.

Custom Validation Rules

This example shows how to customize your own validation rules to finish a two-factor password verification.

Here we use status-icon to reflect validation result as an icon.


Custom validate callback function must be called. See more advanced usage at async-validator .

Add/Delete Form Item

In addition to passing all validation rules at once on the form component, you can also pass the validation rules or delete rules on a single form field dynamically.


Number Validate

Number Validate need a .number modifier added on the input v-model binding,it's used to transform the string value to the number which is provided by Vue.



When an el-form-item is nested in another el-form-item, its label width will be 0. You can set label-width on that el-form-item if needed.

Size Control

All components in a Form inherit their size attribute from that Form. Similarly, FormItem also has a size attribute.

Still you can fine tune each component's size if you don't want that component to inherit its size from From or FormItem.

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When only a single input (or related control such as select or checkbox) is inside of a el-form-item, the form item's label will automatically be attached to that input. However, if multiple inputs are inside of the el-form-item, the form item will be assigned the WAI-ARIA role of group instead. In this case, it is your responsibility to assign assistive labels to the individual inputs.

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Form API

Form Attributes

Name Description Type Default
model Data of form component. object
rules Validation rules of form. object
inline Whether the form is inline. boolean false
label-position Position of label. If set to 'left' or 'right', label-width prop is also required. enum right
label-width Width of label, e.g. '50px'. All its direct child form items will inherit this value. auto is supported. string / number ''
label-suffix Suffix of the label. string ''
hide-required-asterisk Whether to hide required fields should have a red asterisk (star) beside their labels. boolean false
require-asterisk-position Position of asterisk. enum left
show-message Whether to show the error message. boolean true
inline-message Whether to display the error message inline with the form item. boolean false
status-icon Whether to display an icon indicating the validation result. boolean false
validate-on-rule-change Whether to trigger validation when the rules prop is changed. boolean true
size Control the size of components in this form. enum
disabled Whether to disable all components in this form. If set to true, it will override the disabled prop of the inner component. boolean false
scroll-to-error When validation fails, scroll to the first error form entry. boolean false
scroll-into-view-options 2.3.2 When validation fails, it scrolls to the first error item based on the scrollIntoView option. scrollIntoView . object / boolean

Form Events

Name Description Type
validate triggers after a form item is validated Function

Form Slots

Name Description Subtags
default customize default content FormItem

Form Exposes

Name Description Type
validate Validate the whole form. Receives a callback or returns Promise. Function
validateField Validate specified fields. Function
resetFields Reset specified fields and remove validation result. Function
scrollToField Scroll to the specified fields. Function
clearValidate Clear validation messages for all or specified fields. Function
fields 2.7.3 Get all fields context. array

FormItem API

FormItem Attributes

Name Description Type Default
prop A key of model. It could be a path of the property (e.g a.b.0 or ['a', 'b', '0']). In the use of validate and resetFields method, the attribute is required. string / string[]
label Label text. string
label-position 2.7.7 Position of item label. If set to 'left' or 'right', label-width prop is also required. Default extend label-postion of form. enum ''
label-width Width of label, e.g. '50px'. 'auto' is supported. string / number ''
required Whether the field is required or not, will be determined by validation rules if omitted. boolean
rules Validation rules of form, see the following table, more advanced usage at async-validator . object
error Field error message, set its value and the field will validate error and show this message immediately. string
show-message Whether to show the error message. boolean true
inline-message Inline style validate message. string / boolean ''
size Control the size of components in this form-item. enum
for Same as for in native label. string
validate-status Validation state of formItem. enum


Name Description Type Default
trigger How the validator is triggered. enum


If you don't want to trigger the validator based on input events, set the validate-event attribute as false on the corresponding input type components (<el-input>, <el-radio>, <el-select>, ...).

FormItem Slots

Name Description Type
default Content of Form Item.
label Custom content to display on label. object
error Custom content to display validation message. object

FormItem Exposes

Name Description Type
size Form item size. object
validateMessage Validation message. object
validateState Validation state. object
validate Validate form item. Function
resetField Reset current field and remove validation result. Function
clearValidate Remove validation status of the field. Function

Type Declarations

Show declarations
type Arrayable<T> = T | T[]

type FormValidationResult = Promise<boolean>

// ValidateFieldsError: see [async-validator](
type FormValidateCallback = (
  isValid: boolean,
  invalidFields?: ValidateFieldsError
) => Promise<void> | void

// RuleItem: see [async-validator](
interface FormItemRule extends RuleItem {
  trigger?: Arrayable<string>

type Primitive = null | undefined | string | number | boolean | symbol | bigint
type BrowserNativeObject = Date | FileList | File | Blob | RegExp
type IsTuple<T extends ReadonlyArray<any>> = number extends T['length']
  ? false
  : true
type ArrayMethodKey = keyof any[]
type TupleKey<T extends ReadonlyArray<any>> = Exclude<keyof T, ArrayMethodKey>
type ArrayKey = number
type PathImpl<K extends string | number, V> = V extends
  | Primitive
  | BrowserNativeObject
  ? `${K}`
  : `${K}` | `${K}.${Path<V>}`
type Path<T> = T extends ReadonlyArray<infer V>
  ? IsTuple<T> extends true
    ? {
        [K in TupleKey<T>]-?: PathImpl<Exclude<K, symbol>, T[K]>
    : PathImpl<ArrayKey, V>
  : {
      [K in keyof T]-?: PathImpl<Exclude<K, symbol>, T[K]>
    }[keyof T]
type FieldPath<T> = T extends object ? Path<T> : never
// MaybeRef: see [@vueuse/core](
// UnwrapRef: see [vue](
type FormRules<T extends MaybeRef<Record<string, any> | string> = string> =
      UnwrapRef<T> extends string ? UnwrapRef<T> : FieldPath<UnwrapRef<T>>,

type FormItemValidateState = typeof formItemValidateStates[number]
type FormItemProps = ExtractPropTypes<typeof formItemProps>

type FormItemContext = FormItemProps & {
  $el: HTMLDivElement | undefined
  size: ComponentSize
  validateState: FormItemValidateState
  isGroup: boolean
  labelId: string
  inputIds: string[]
  hasLabel: boolean
  fieldValue: any
  addInputId: (id: string) => void
  removeInputId: (id: string) => void
  validate: (
    trigger: string,
    callback?: FormValidateCallback
  ) => FormValidationResult
  resetField(): void
  clearValidate(): void


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