
Use Collapse para almacenar contenidos.

Uso básico

Puede expandir múltiples paneles

Consistent with real life: in line with the process and logic of real life, and comply with languages and habits that the users are used to;
Consistent within interface: all elements should be consistent, such as: design style, icons and texts, position of elements, etc.


En modo acordeón solo un panel puede ser expandido a la vez

Active el modo acordeón usado el atributo accordion.

Consistent with real life: in line with the process and logic of real life, and comply with languages and habits that the users are used to;
Consistent within interface: all elements should be consistent, such as: design style, icons and texts, position of elements, etc.

Título personalizado

Además de usar el atributo title, se puede personalizar el título del panel con slots con nombre, esto hace posible agregar contenido personalizado, por ejemplo: iconos.

Custom icon 2.8.3

Besides using the icon attribute, you can customize icon of panel item with named slots, which makes adding custom content.

Consistent with real life: in line with the process and logic of real life, and comply with languages and habits that the users are used to;
Consistent within interface: all elements should be consistent, such as: design style, icons and texts, position of elements, etc.

Collapse API

Collapse Attributes

model-value / v-modelcurrently active panel, the type is string in accordion mode, otherwise it is arraystring / array[]
accordionsi desea activar el modo de acordeónbooleanfalse

Collapse Events

changetriggers when active panels change, the parameter type is string in accordion mode, otherwise it is arrayFunction

Collapse Slots

defaultpersonaliza el contenido por defectoCollapse Item

Collapse Item API

Collapse Item Attributes

nameidentificador único del panelstring / number
titletítulo del panelstring''
icon 2.8.3icon of the collapse itemstring / ComponentArrowRight
disableddeshabilita el collapse ítembooleanfalse

Collapse Item Slot

defaultcontenido del Collapse Ítem
titlecontenido del Collapse Ítem
icon 2.8.3content of Collapse Item iconobject


